Author: Joyce Turner
Visitation of His Glory
By Joyce Turner
Early on Sunday morning I was driving to pick up my granddaughter for church. The air was thick with fog from a night of rain. One could hardly see the tail lights of the car in front. I knew from experience that there was a possibility a deer could be standing in any of the curves I rounded, so I was driving very carefully and at a low rate of speed. I was trying to stay focused as I seemingly plowed through a dangerous situation; however, my mind began to drift from the fog to how God spoke to Moses through a thick cloud. Exodus 24: 15 – 16 says, “Then Moses went up into the mountain, and a cloud covered the mountain. Now the glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days. And on the seventh day He called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud.” (nkjv) I had encountered some God moments, but I was seeking more…more of the tangible presence of the ‘Great I Am’. Jeremiah tells us to call, pray, seek, and search for God with all our hearts and He will be found! Jeremiah 29:13 says “…You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” My passionate cry that foggy morning was, “Oh God I ache for an encounter with you that would be so thick I could see your glory.”
When I rounded the next curve in the road, I could hardly believe my eyes! The beauty of the sun gleaming through the dense fog and trees were breathtaking! It was so beautiful that I quickly pulled over in the middle of a side-road and jumped out to take pictures! It was as if God’s glory was shining through the fog and saying, “You want to see My Glory – here it is!” I stood there, for a few minutes, in a daze. Chills ran down my arms. I seemed hypnotized; almost frozen in one spot. What was taking place before my eyes from the midst of the fog was a visitation of His glory.
As I continued to soak in the presence of His glory, suddenly the honk of car horns interrupted my glory encounter! I was so caught up in what was taking place before my eyes I was unaware of my surroundings. Responding to the car horns, I realized in my hastiness to breathe in the aroma of His presence I had blocked traffic from pulling out into the main highway. Slowly I returned to my car. As I pulled into the main road, I felt such peace in my heart and soul. Glancing back in my rear-view mirror as it slowly faded away, I knew I had just experienced the warmth of a foggy misty dew morning of God’s presence.
‘Magnificent’ is a word that comes to my mind as I recall that foggy morning. I know that was the morning God heard my cry for more of Him, as he did Moses, in Exodus 33: 18. Moses cried out, “Please, show me Your glory”, and His glory Moses saw. I too had cried out “Please show me Your glory”, and I too had encountered a fresh look at God’s glory. Today, when you least expect it, God may be waiting around the next bend to show you His glory! Take time to slow down and breathe in the aroma of His sweet presence.
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