Author: Joyce Turner
Our failure to think prayer is a privilege may be partly due to the fact that we can pray any time. The door to prayer is open at all times for all people who will pray. However, most of us spend little more than a fleeting moment in prayer. We have all heard people say, “I don’t know what to pray.” I have said that myself. However, if we would look upon the fields that are waiting for us to harvest, we would never say, “I don’t know what to pray!” Many people and nations are counting on us to pray.
A few years ago I attended a church service and behind the stage was a beautiful painting of a field of wheat. I could not listen to the message because God was speaking to me through this painting. It was as if I was transported up into another atmosphere and I was standing in a field of wheat that was ready to be harvested. As I looked closer at the beautiful golden wheat that was ripe and ready to be harvested, there on the ground were only abandoned sickles! Tears filled my eyes and my heart ached as I prayed and cried out to God. Had I missed the mark? Had I let someone down?…had I forgotten to pray for someone who would never have another chance?…had I laid down my sickle (calling)? How many would leave this world without knowing my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because my sickle was lying dormant on the wheat fields of many nations? I began to weep silently as I repented and asked God to help me fulfill what He had called me to do: spread the gospel, heal the sick in His name, reach out to a hurting world and feed the hungry and most importantly – PRAY!
God forbid that any of us would lay down our sickles and watch fields of wheat decay from lack of labors and prayers. Today, know that someone is counting on us to pray: a friend…a family member…a lost man or woman…a country who is hungry for food and the gospel…an individual who is sick in body…a child who needs a helping hand or a kind word. So the next time you ask, “What can I pray for?” Remember the field is ripe but the labors are few. Ask yourself, as I did, “is that one of my sickles lying abandoned in the field?” Matthew 9:37 says, “Then He (Jesus) said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Remember today, God has assigned you a sickle (calling), go forth into the ripe fields of the world and harvest the wheat for the Lord
About Joyce
Joyce and George Turner are the Founders of Radiant SonRise Ministry which was established in April 1999. Joyce has a call and the driving force of the Holy Spirit burning in her heart with a fire of desire to call believers to rekindle their fire for God, His Word and His work. She has conducted services, taught in her local church and evangelized throughout the United States and Africa.
Joyce is a revivalist who flows in the healing anointing of God's power. While she was ministering in Africa some saw a ring of fire surrounding her as she walked in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. After returning from Africa in 2006 Joyce was referred to as the ‘Fire Starter’ in her circle of friends in the Christian community. Humbly, Joyce steps into the gifting of the Holy Spirit as the ‘Great I Am’ who dwells in her demonstrates His power, with signs of breaking strongholds and setting many free. Joyce is a chaser of God’s presence…seeker of Him in the secret places of the Most High. Her desire is to see those who attend the meetings leave, filled with God’s fire; feeling refreshed by the Holy Spirit, alive in Jesus, and transformed by the power of God’s love. www.rsrm.org
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