Author: Patricia King 1 Like
Coaching Tips For Personal Growth and Development
by Patricia King
Do you desire to accelerate in your personal growth and development?
Are you ready to see your dreams and visions in life fulfilled?
What will your life look like three years from now if you continue to live it just as you are right now?
What if you had skills given to you that could accelerate your success and grant you the fulfillment of your desires? If you had everything you needed to fulfill your dreams and every hindrance was moved out of the way, what would your life look like in three years?
You are so very precious to God and all things are possible for you. He has a great plan for you to fulfill your potential. Many in life, however, do not reach their potential simply because they do not have the understanding of the skills available to bring fulfillment to their dreams, goals, and desires.
I want to see you become all you were created to be and fulfill all that you are destined to fulfill.
As a Life-Coach I encourage individuals regularly to pursue their dreams. Life-Coaching helps accelerate the fulfillment of your desires. Good coaching can help you identify dreams and potential, keep you focused and motivated, and call you to move beyond where you are or ever have been. Would you like that kind of help?
Here are some simple coaching tips that will help you accelerate:
Importance of Core Beliefs
No matter what downfalls you have encountered in life, this is a new day where all things are possible if you BELIEVE. Your core beliefs create realms and atmospheres in your life and sometimes your acceleration of success is simply a matter of identifying your current core beliefs and to change them if needed.
For example, if you believe that you are a failure and will never amount to anything, that specific negative core belief will create a realm in your life that sets you up for failure in everything you put your hands to. You must believe the truth about yourself and that all things are possible! Identify negative core beliefs and replace them with the truth. Establish new core beliefs -- this will accelerate your personal growth and development.
I love teaching individuals how to identify those negative core beliefs and how to replace them with the truth. It has revolutionized lives as they create realms in their lives that attract fruitfulness, success and fulfillment. One revelation of truth can create a revolution within you and your life will never be the same!
Identify your Dreams, Goals, and Desires
Studies have proven that successful people almost always have their dreams, goals, and desires well identified and unsuccessful people seldom have clear, well-defined dreams. Take time to dream big and allow those desires to surface. The Bible says that without a vision, the people perish.
It is important to have dreams identified. Your dreams should be specific, obtainable (not a pipe dream), measurable, and relevant. It also helps to write your dream down and post it in places where you can remember it. Many individuals unfortunately fail to reach their potential because they do not have clear, obtainable targets.
I have seen so many light up when I have helped them develop skills to identify and fulfill their dreams. It has accelerated their growth for sure and this tip will help you too.
Have a Plan of Action
Simply having a well-defined dream/desire is not enough. A plan to fulfill your desire is extremely important. God had a dream to redeem mankind but He also had a plan for that redemption to unfold. We see His plan written down throughout the Bible. What steps do you need to take to bring your desire to pass? Write those steps down. What tasks need to be implemented in order to fulfill your dream? Write those down too. When you have a clear plan of action, you have something to move forward on. A good plan of action sets you up for success.
Do It!
Many individuals have great dreams that are well defined and they even have a plan of action, but it is all talk and no action. Faith without works is dead. What you believe must be acted upon. Put feet to your plan of action and enjoy the results.
Finish Strong
Successful people are those who not only leap into the fulfillment of their desires but they finish strong and endure until the completion. They overcome the hurdles along the way and keep themselves motivated until the completion of their dream. Once you get into the habit of finishing strong, you will find that your finish will always be as strong as your start. That pattern will become part of you. There is grace available to step into this wonderful blessing. Sometimes a professional life-coach or a peer coach like a friend can help you over the hurdles you face.
Of course these are just a few small tips and I know we are just hitting the top of the iceberg on where we can go with this, but these few simple tips will actually help you accelerate. It is my pleasure to present them to you, as they have been catalysts in my own life for success and fruitfulness.
For more Life-Coaching Resource go to www.patriciakinglifecoach.com
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