Author: Dr. Robin Harfouche
Thankfulness finds something to thank God about. And you know the Lord will bless you. He wants to use your mouth to bring you and me into a place of the realm of the spirit, joined with the exousia and the dunamis of God together. And then once we get into thanking God we start blessing everything we have. We start blessing. When you are a thankful person you are not a complainer. The moment a complaint tries to make its way out of your mouth, your thankful disposition say’s “Get off me! You’re an imagination I didn’t imagine you! Get off of me! You’re a imaginary dart of the devil, and I have a shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the devil.” I am giving you a prescription this morning for the provision of Almighty God! Thankfulness! Don’t talk about it. Thank Him for it! Don’t talk about the problem. Thank him for the answer! Thankfulness! Thank Him!
We have prophecy for an eight year word. Now, I counted from 2013 to 2020 is seven years, but the 8 year word is inclusive of the rest of this year. I don’t know about you, but I have been listening to that every day. Glory to God, turn off the news.
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