Author: Dr. Christian Harfouche

The Bible says we’re in the middle of a battle. We’re engaged in warfare, and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty. When you are involved in warfare, you exert a lot of strength. You use a lot of energy. Sometimes you run out of strength, and you need to renew it. Have you ever reached a point where you were running on your own strength? Psalm 27: 13-14 says, “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” The Psalmist said, “I had fainted, unless I had believed ….” Aren’t you glad he said “unless”? Aren’t you glad he didn’t say, “I had fainted” and stopped right there? Today, the testimony of many Christians is, “I had fainted.” They need to put the word “unless” in there.
The Scripture tells us that in the last days perilous times shall come. Do you know that the pioneering Christian, full of the Word of God and faith, operates in excellence in the middle of troubled times? When the going gets rough, the Christian gets going. When the going gets hard, the Christian gets motivated, because our motivation is not the by-product of what we see with our natural eyes. Our motivation springs from an eternal source of strength who is secure in His Almightiness.
Security in the Word
Our security, steadfastness, and stability are based in the Word of the living God. “I had fainted, unless I had believed.” Have you ever heard the term “just believe”? People will say, “Oh, just believe God.” But what is it that we’re to believe? Notice the Psalmist didn’t say, “I had fainted, unless I had believed I was going to heaven.” You know you are going to heaven. However, just because you are going to heaven does not mean you are going to automatically live in victory down here! Many Christians are going to heaven, but they are being dragged there by the Godhead, angels, and other Christians!
Stepping Confidently Into Tomorrow
To live in victory down here means I’ve got to believe God’s promises that belong to me while I’m living here on earth. I need promises that apply to the here and now. God doesn’t just promise us things in the by-and-by. I heard someone sing a song that said, “Yesterday’s gone, dear Jesus, and tomorrow may never be mine.” I don’t know about you, but I’m counting on tomorrow! I have plans for tomorrow. I have plans for next year. Our ministry calendar includes next year. This means that unless Jesus comes, there is nothing the devil or demons can do to stop me from stepping into my tomorrow and into the day after that, because God said to us, “With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my Salvation” (Psalm 91:6).
Are you counting on tomorrow? A cutting-edge Christian not only knows by the Spirit about his tomorrows; he lays hold on them! The Psalmist said, “…unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living…” (Psalm 27:13). He was saying, “I would have lost strength; I would have given up; I would have faltered; I would have staggered at the promises of God; I would have fallen by the wayside, never to get up again; I would have backslid; I would have died — unless I had believed I am going to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!”
When Faith Wavers
My answers are going to come while I’m still live. There is a weapon we know as time that the enemy uses against all believers. Have you ever prayed and believed, and a day later you still believed, and a week later you still believed, and a month later you still believed, and a year later you still believed, but as time went by, you began to waver and lose strength?
The enemy told you, “It’s not going to happen. You’re not praying according to the perfect will of God.” He doesn’t want you to have that thing you’re praying for. He doesn’t want you to receive it. He doesn’t want you to see it. If you begin to meditate on the devil’s words, you will wonder whether or not it is God’s best for you. You will wonder whether or not it is God’s will for you.
Living in Eternity
The enemy uses the weapon of time with each believer under the sun. Time will weary you if you live under its influence. Aren’t you glad you live in eternity already? Hallelujah! Jesus said if you live and believe in Him, you shall never die. That means even if your heart stops ticking, you keep on living. That means you have already stepped out of time and into eternity. That means you have already stepped out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of God’s dear Son. That means you have been taken out of the dominion of circumstances and all opposition of the enemy!
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