by Patricia King
New Beginnings
The Lord is calling us to a better place, a new place. Many of you have been suffering and struggling with personal things that have held you back for years, and you haven’t been able to move forward because of them. The Lord says, “This is a new day. It’s a day of new beginnings, new release, new miracles and new establishment. You are in for the time of your life. Some of you will be experiencing drastic change in your lives, even in the next 3-6 months, and it’s going to come very suddenly.”
Isaiah 43:18-19 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” This is God’s personal word to you. You are going to your next level. Never again will you be where you were yesterday … never. You are going to new levels!
The Lord says, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 21:5). This doesn’t necessarily mean a change in your circumstances, but something will happen in your heart that will give you new perspective and a new season of fruitfulness in your life. These things from your past that have been dragging you back like chains on your legs – I see them being broken off today. God wants you to move forward in His power and in His might.
Here are a few points that will lay a foundation for change and will catapult you into your new season in life:
- Acknowledge the greatness of God in everything you are and everything you do. We spend so much time figuring things out on our own and focusing on our past mistakes and difficulties. If we would only spend more time acknowledging His greatness, we would see more of His greatness manifested in our lives. Whatever we focus on, we empower. If you are going to walk in new beginnings, a new expansion of His Kingdom and greater fruitfulness, you will need to focus on His greatness. Take all the limits off God and let Him be God.
- Take inventory of your past and clean up the messes. This is so important. God wants every person to do well and to live in wholeness and blessings. He isn’t moved by our failures and mistakes. Some of the most godly and fruitful people on the earth were the most violated and mistreated. They didn’t live in the shame and blame of everybody else. Instead, they took responsibility for themselves and made right choices. Take responsibility for your own failures. Don’t allow them to continue to bear bad fruit in your life. Also, look at what has produced good fruit and blessings in your life. As you move into your future, take the good forward and leave the bad behind. Then you will produce a new level of fruitfulness and experience greater goodness in life than ever before.
- Learn from your mistakes. Discover who you are so that you can gird yourself up in your weaknesses. Some things come easy, by grace. Other things you need to grow through determination, perseverance and discipline. If you are going to move into a new beginning and not be stuck in the patterns of the past, you need to examine where your mistakes were and ask God how to change them.
- Have a clear vision. You are going to need a fresh definition of the vision that you are carrying for this season. Vision comes from the presence of God. Worship Him and ask Him for vision. I believe God is going to show you new things. Once you get your vision, write it down. Then ask the Holy Spirit to help you set goals. Next, list the action steps needed to accomplish each of these goals. Soon you will begin to see the fullness of your vision. In Christ, you can do all things through Him who strengthens you! Have a clear vision, goals and a plan of action. Then, move forward!
- Believe, have faith. Have faith in God’s ability to accomplish what He has stirred in your heart. Don’t be surprised if God puts on your heart something that you have no skills for and no previous experience in. He wants you to depend on Him alone and not lean on your own understanding. You will face giants and warfare. Israel fled in fear of the giants, yet Caleb and Joshua were of a different spirit. They knew that with God they were well able to take this land and eat of its fruit. This is the victory that overcomes the world, demons, and all resistance – our faith. If God has given you a promise, then take hold of it through faith!
- Step into the new! God is waiting to see what you are going to do with the talent and the vision He has given you. We often have this theology that says, “I’m just waiting for the Sovereign Lord to make it happen.” Yet, He sent us His Son to give us authority to subdue the land. If you know your God, you will do great exploits. You can wait and see what will happen or you can step into the new – choosing not to live in the failures of the past or even in previous victories. His mercies are new every morning. Go on to your next level!
Are you ready to go to your next level and rise up strong? When you are looking at a bright future, you will see the fruit of that bright future. You will become what you gaze upon. So let’s gaze upon the greatness of God and the goodness of what He has for us in the days to come!
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