by Rev. Robin E. Bremer
(Matt 23:14) This gospel of the KINGDOM will be preached … then the end will come.
Jesus said that the GOSPEL of the KINGDOM would be preached than the end would come. He did not say that a war would happen, then the end. He said the gospel of the Kingdom would be preached.
(Rom 14:17) The kingdom of God is Righteousness, peace and JOY in the Holy Spirit
The kingdom is a kingdom of LOVE ( Col 1:13).
The gospel of salvation has been preached and that is good. We want souls to be saved but that is not the WHOLE GOSPEL. What Jesus preached was “justice” (Matt 12:18). Justice is EVERYTHING God gave us in the garden of Eden to be restored to us. That has been done, through the work of Jesus on the cross, but unless you go back and look at what Adam lost in the garden the devil will deceive you and keep your stuff. You have to KNOW WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST, you are the righteousness of God IN Christ and because of that you can walk in ALL BOLDNESS! Here is a list of what Jesus preached.
Luke 4:18
1. Preach the gospel (gospel means GOOD NEWS) to the poor. The kingdom is here they don’t have to be poor any more. (The prosperity
gospel is part of the kingdom and IT IS THE FIRST THING JESUS LISTED)
2. Heal the broken hearted
3. Give freedom to the captives (captives of sickness, poverty, fear, demons, death etc)
4. Recovery of sight to the blind (Healing both physically and spiritually)
5. Set the oppressed free (joy is what the Bible says sets the oppressed free)
6. Proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord (financial freedom)
The gospel of the kingdom is the gospel Jesus preached. It includes body, soul, spirit, finances, health, ALL areas of life. It includes living on earth as we will in heaven. We are to take authority on earth and command things to line up with God’s will. Jesus needs to get what He paid for us to have. Remember we are the kings that Jesus is, “King of kings.” We should be living like kings. Our spoken word is a command in the spiritual realm.
The kingdom is casting out demons, healing the sick, prospering the poor and raising the dead and much more. Matt 9:35, Matt 12:28, Matt 12:18. Jesus showed judgment and justice.
The last and end time revival is a revival of God’s people awakening to who they are in Christ. God’s people will awakening to the fact that they are the righteousness of God and because of that, they will stand up and manifest and enforce the defeat of the devil in people lives.
Let’s take a look at the main components of this last awakening and revival.
These are all kingdom signs.
1. Righteousness minded and confident (righteousness)
2. Receive the Joy of the Lord manifested in laughter (joy)
3. They will walk in peace and authority (kingdom authority, Peace)
4. They will walk in the Presence of Holy Spirit, manifested in drunkenness on
new wine.
5. They will have a holy boldness that will offend many religious people. John 2
and Acts 2
6. They will LIVE and move in many signs, wonders and miracles including the
supernatural that the new age has stolen from God’s people. (see my chapter on
signs and wonders)
7. They will have great wealth available to them (restoration of all things)
8. They will walk in great faith because of their relationship with the Lord.
Too many people are in fear because of the stuff happening in the world today. We need to be bold and strong in the Lord. The JOY of the Lord is my STRENGTH (Ps 138:3). He has made me BOLD with STRENGTH.
(Ps 29:11) The Lord gives STRENGTH to His people and blesses His people with PEACE.
God will fill His kids with joy (read the chapter on joy). Rodney Howard Brown just touched the surface with the laughter. There is more to come. There is Joy in the presence of God and we need His joy for this time. There will be Holy laughter and the “best wine” for new wine skins. The Holy Spirit will be the star of this revival and the focus will be relationship and being in HIS PRESENCE! The key scriptures for this last and end time awakening and revival is John 2 and Acts 2. Let’s take a look at John 2. In John 2 Jesus turned water into wine. I asked Him why He did that. He said this end time wine is the best wine saved for the last because we need strength for this last revival. In Acts 2 it also refers to wine and being drunk. People who are drunk have boldness, and when you are drunk in the Lord you are bolder to do things for Him! He will make you FULL of JOY. Being drunk in the Spirit is going to be a sign of this end time revival. Another sign is the Holy Spirit will be poured out of YOU (where His Spirit is in you) on all flesh. Unsaved ones will have dreams of Jesus’ visitations, see visions and prophecy. There will be signs and wonders never seen before. All signs will point toward Jesus and get people saved, healed, delivered and give them great boldness to be a witness of Jesus’ resurrection.
Act 3:19 They will be refreshed when they get into His presence.
Acts 3:21 They will have prosperity, for God will restore all that has been stolen.
There will be Heavenly activities as in the Old Testament and the book the of acts, angels, transportations, glory clouds, fire, dead rising, unusual miracles and signs, things we never imaged. Relationship is what God desires. The most important signs of the last revival will be DREAMS, VISIONS & PROPHECY of the UNSAVED. (Acts 2) Joy is strength and that is what we need for this end times. Jesus is coming back for a
GLORIOUS BRIDE not a fearful, weak one.
Times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord Acts 3:19
How will this be done?
Through worship Ps 102 :8
People are bound up in sorrow grief and fear. The answer for that is JOY. End time awakening and revival will be for new wine skins in new wine. It will come from intimate times of WORSHIP. Worship is what Satan used to do, but now it is the very thing that makes him run when we do it. It is time to arise and shine for the glory of the Lord has risen….
In this end time with all the bad stuff happening like in Pharaoh’s time, we too will be delivered with restoration of all things.
This end time harvest will be done with JOY by God’s kids that are full of peace and joy. Joy gives us strength and is the answer for oppression of the devil. In the chapter on Joy in this book I go into great detail and many scripture on why I believe this. New end time wine will be poured out to this last generation, they will be filled with the Spirit and drunk on His presence. We will be a victorious bride. It will all be done by the Holy Spirit in us, not by might or power but by My Spirit says the Lord.
Don’t walk in fear about this end time bad stuff happening in the world, instead have this attitude:
Ps 138:7-8 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me. 8: The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me
* Is 60:1 Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes all around, and see: They all gather together, they come to you; Your sons shall come from afar, And your daughters shall be nursed at [your] side. Then you shall see and become radiant, And your heart shall swell with joy; Because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you, The wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you
Here is a list of powers, mights, principalities, dominions and strongmen to pull down in the area of religion if you want to bring revival to your church.
Bind strong holds, strongmen, principalities, powers, dominions and spirits of:
Lethargy, apathy, compliancy, pride, disappointment, heart break, bitterness, deception, controlling, manipulation, false religious, religious tradition, witchcraft, fear, false humility, self righteousness, error, confusing, binding, hindering, discouraging, condemning, blocking, flattery, tormenting, root of rejection, rebellion, disruption, disturbance, harm, destruction, demons, strife, hypocrisy, perversity, covetousness, greed, wickedness, offence, lawlessness, strong disillusions, spirit that steals the word, dull ears, itching ears, hardened hearts, lust of eyes, love for other things, pride of life,
Release these spirits:
Spirit of favor on pastors, evangelists, and ministries in these last days; spirit of grace, revival, joy, peace, favor, righteousness, light to shine, freedom of movement for Holy Spirit, ministering spirits, warring spirits, protecting spirits, spirit of impact, repentance, reconciliation, far reaching, holy laughter, love, hearing, revelation, hunger, truth, opened understanding, a spirit of comprehension to draw people to you, cause them to have hearing ears, eyes to see and softened hearts, retentive heart, that they would be receptive to the truth, good ground in their hearts, that they would produce fruit and be doers of the Word, rich toward God, receive the will of God, hope of calling,
Thank the Lord for:
Salvations, baptism in Holy Spirit, healings, raising the dead, deliverance, words of knowledge, confirmation of word, revival, harvest, former and latter rain, Finances abounding.
Experts from Robin new book
Suggested Resource: Spiritual Revolution
Robin is a licensed minister who has been clowning for 15 years. She ministers with her husband Allen who has scored music for their recent video's. They offer a fun filled variety show that ministers the "Joy of the Lord" to the whole family. Her show offers ventriloquism, balloons, audience participation, silly magic, juggling, singing and dancing. They've opened for the Christian television show "Duncan The Puppet." They have clowned for the Kellogg's Cereal Company, as well as school assemblies, birthday parties, churches and many other events. Robin and Allen's ministry goal is to impart the joy of the Lord.
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